Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Podcast #8

Due by the end of the year. Produce a show that discusses the benefits of podcasting within your curriculum. What successes and challenges did you face? What are your plans for podcasting next year since you will still be required to turn in podcasts?

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Podcast #7

April's podcast is due on the 30th. Produce a podcast/enhanced podcast/vodcast that includes a few special effects found in Audacity. Topic is wide open to meet your needs.

Post topic and special effects used that we should listen for.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Podcast #6

March is a short month and includes csap. Post a podcast/enhanced podcast/vodcast that will help students with csap in your content area.

Post csap skills you address in your podcast here.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Podcast #9

Using podcasting as a teacher is great but having kids podcast is yet another way for students to demonstrate learning. Please plan on a lesson this semester that provides the opportunity for students to podcast. Start small - don't feel like you have to do it with every class you have. Talk to me prior to implementing with students so I can help you work through some details.

This is a valid means of assessing students. Keep it tied to the standards. Post a brief outline of your lesson. Lesson outline should include standards. objective, task, and assessment.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Podcast #5

February's assignment is again due on the last day of the month. This month you need to create a vodcast. This means you will incorporate video into your podcast. Same techniques as you did with your enhanced podcasts but now you will have to use the camcorder and incorporate some video footage. If you need help, let me know. Topic is wide open.

Post topic and reflect on the use of video with podcasting.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Tech Tuesday

Remember that you are to attend a minimum of two Tech Tuesdays this year.

Please post a summary of each staff development session you participate in. Include the date and time, summary of what was taught, implication for personal and professional use.
Podcast #4

January's podcast is due by the 31st. Whether it is an audio podcast or enhanced, please include a commercial that breaks up the podcast. Choose a commercial that would inform the students about something that might support your curriculum or the school. The commerical can be one you do or perhaps you use other people to assist you with.

Post your podcast topic and what your commerical is about.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Time to share. Schedule a time in your next department meeting to share what a podcast is and how you can use it in your classroom. Post when this is done and the department members reactions. Please also let them know that if they are interested in doing this they just need to talk with me.